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Best selling futurist author – Ross Dawson

Ross Dawson is globally recognized as a powerful visionary, entrepreneur, keynote speaker, strategy advisor, and bestselling author. He is the author of numerous best selling books and writes a highly influential blog. He has had well over 100 articles published in leading publications and has written white papers for leading organizations such as SAP and Microsoft. Best known for his 2002 book ‘Living Networks’ which predicted the social networking revolution, Dawson consults on the future to leading organizations globally such as Ernst & Young, IBM, Macquarie Bank, and Procter & Gamble.

Below is a selection of content created by best selling Australian author Ross Dawson.

Books by Australian author Ross Dawson

Ross Dawson is the author of the bestseller Developing Knowledge-Based Client Relationships, now out in its second edition, the acclaimed book Living Networks, which foresaw the social networking revolution, the highly successful Implementing Enterprise 2.0 and the definitive guide to crowdsourcing Getting Results From Crowds.

Click on the book images to read more about Ross Dawson’s best selling books, including free chapters for download and other resources.

Getting Results From CrowdsLivingNetworksImplementingEnterprise2Developing Knowledge-Based Client Relationships 2nd Edition

Infographics and strategy frameworks for the future

Click on the images below to view the entire collection of infographics and strategy frameworks by Australian futurist and bestselling author Ross Dawson.

Selection of Ross Dawson Frameworks

Humans in the Future of WorkMobile Social Media Global ComparisonsVideo: Future of WorkCrunch Time 2014Future of the CIO2013 TrendsFuture of WorkScenario Planning in Action

2012: 12 ThemesCrowdsourcing Landscape Version 2Crowd Business ModelsTransformation of GovernmentTransformation of BusinessSuccess in a Connected WorldMap of the DecadeZeitgeist 2011

Newspaper Extinction TimelineiPad Media StrategyThe NewsScapeMedia Revenue ModelsKnowledge Based CRM FrameworkSocial Media StrategyInfluence LandscapeEnterprise 2.0 Implementation

Media LifecycleFuture of Media: Strategy ToolsKey Elements of Media Business ModelsTrend Blend 2008Web 2.0Trend Blend 2007Future of Media Framework


Bestselling author Ross Dawson has had over 100 articles published in leading publications worldwide and has written white papers for many leading organizations including SAP and Microsoft. Read the entire selection of articles on


The blog Trends in the Living Networks was established by best selling author Ross Dawson in 2002 and is now ranked one of the top business blogs in the world.